Wednesday 25 May 2016

Ronda & Nerja

Life has been very busy. We are now working hard at the World Veteran Table Tennis Champs in Alicante but here is a bit of an update from last week. I'll try & do a catch up as soon as I can.
After Gibraltar our next stop was the town of Ronda.
 The old town is surrounded by fortress walls and is separated from the old town by the towering Puente Nuevo ( bridge).  We also went through Ronda's Plaza de Toros, one of Spain's oldest and biggest bullrings in Spain.


We then drove  south with a beach stop at Torre del Mar before heading along the coast to Nerja. A walk through the Cueva de Nerja (cave) was amazing. The enormous 4km long cave complex was hollowed out by water around 5million years ago and is full of stalactites and stalagmites. The photos don't do it justice.



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